Development / Construction Contractors


As Project Managers we are the lead consultants and the single point of contact for our Client and the Project Team. We co-ordinate the design and build process.

We provide a range of services and offer detailed proposals tailored for the project. Our objective is to take your design brief and help you deliver your building project successfully.

Summer Field Property Group prepare a detailed Pre-Construction programme & manage the design, consent and pricing process.


We prepare programmes for the design and build stages of the project. At design stage the focus is on including all expected and known requirements to prepare the project for building work. This includes preparing for a Planning Application, detailed design, compliance tasks such as obtaining licences, permits and Party wall agreements. We include the procurement of builders, agreeing a building Contract and pre-commencement tasks such as insurances and notifications.

We agree the programme with the Project Team and the time the designers require to complete their work. We co-ordinate the team, manage to the programme working to the agreed start date for the building work.

Summer Field Property Group introduce design consultants, manage the design process and report on costing.

Design and Cost Management

We introduce design consultants needed for the project, assemble the project team and we co-ordinate the design process. The team will need site surveys, investigation reports and desktop information which we facilitate. It’s common for projects to have specialist design and installation packages, examples include kitchens, bespoke staircases, glazing, timber frame. We introduce and co-ordinate specialists with the design team.

As design evolves we ensure the project cost plan is updated and that the team are designing with brief and budget aligned. Cost planning and management continues through design, tender and the build stage of the project, we report on costs throughout the project.

Summer Field Property Group prepare tender documents, review contractor prices, agree a Contract sum, Contract terms and a build programme for our Clients


There are various procurement routes with building projects, we will advise you of the most suitable option for your project. We are often asked to recommend building contractors which we do, also taking recommendations from the Project Team consultants we form a short list.

We collate a project document pack including all design drawings, specifications, conditions, agreements, licences, client requirements and a schedule of works. We brief the contractors and invite them to price the project returning it within an agreed period. We carry out a detailed review and comparison of costs, summarise the responses looking at the overall bid of each of the contractors and making a recommendation for appointment.

We will detail and agree a project build programme with the contractor, assist with project insurances for Client and contractors, put in place an appropriate Building Contract ahead of building work starting.

 Client representatives, managing quality, costs, compliance and the project programme.

Building Project Management

We are independent Project Managers working for Clients to oversee the project and look after our Clients interests. Through our experience on all types of residential building work we provide flexible and tailored services for our Clients. Typically our build stage services are either a Comprehensive role or a Monitoring role.

We carry out weekly site visits, meet with our Clients and the contractor and discuss site progress, items needing decisions, design detail, requests for information, compliance matters and look ahead at programme. Whilst on site we will be noting quality, flagging issues if we see them, providing potential solutions, options and assisting the Client and Contractor where needed. We issue site notes following meetings with actions for Clients, contractors and ourselves to follow up.

Contractors will make applications for payments to Steele-Perkins, we review these against completed work, agreed costs and after the deduction of a retention sum will issue our Clients and the Contractor with a certificate to raise their invoice accordingly. Payment structures are agreed at Contract stage. Where there are changes to the works we administer the cost change and agree those costs as they are discussed.

 final certificates for building compliance, and issue a final financial account on behalf of our Clients

Finalising the Project

Reaching the end of building work is always rewarding. We ensure that the project is finished to a high standard and to our Clients specific requirements. Together with the build finishing as the Project Managers we will ensure that required installation and commissioning certificates are issued, provide these to Building Control and Structural Warranty providers (if a policy has been established). We will ensure that all information is provided to enable the project to be compliant with regulations and valid for structural warranty.

On completion of the works and certification we will finalise the Clients financial account with the Contractor, agreeing the final figures and advising of the same.